In line with its mandate established at its founding, the Inspection Panel responds to complaints from people affected by World Bank (IBRD/IDA) projects. If such a Request for Inspection is found to be eligible, and the Panel recommends an investigation, and the Board approves, the Accountability Mechanism Secretary, within 30 business days after investigation approval, offers the Requesters and borrower the option of a voluntary and independent dispute resolution. If this offer is accepted, the Dispute Resolution Service will assist the Requesters and borrowers in coming to an agreement to find solutions to the issues raised in the Request.
If both Parties do not opt for dispute resolution or do not reach an agreement within the allotted time, the case transfers to the Inspection Panel. The Inspection Panel then carries out an investigation to determine whether the Bank is in compliance with its operational policies and procedures, and to make related findings of harm. Based on the Inspection Panel’s report, a management report will include a Management Action Plan to address any any findings of harm, potential for harm, and non-compliance.