Independent Accountability Mechanisms Network (IAMnet) - 23 members

About IAMnet

The Independent Accountability Mechanisms Network (IAMnet) is a partnership of dedicated practitioners who build institutional capacity on accountability and compliance for improved corporate governance and development impact.

Our membership includes 23 mechanisms linked to development finance institutions around the world.

In addition to continuous exchange of information, joint outreach events, and occasional collaboration on dispute resolution / investigation of complaints, the IAMs convene in an annual meeting to exchange practices and challenges, discuss emerging accountability trends, and share lessons learned. To assist in the coordination of activities and follow up of agreements, an informal Secretariat function was instituted in 2016, currently hosted by the Asian Development Bank's Accountability Mechanism.

IAMnet Membership 

As per criteria set in the agreed basic criteria and process for participation in the network, any Mechanism participating in the network is: 

  • A citizen-driven complaint and response mechanism, which 
  • operates at the international level;
  • for a public institution which finances or supports development-related activities;
  • that is operationally independent; and that,
  • considers social and environmental impacts / concerns.

For inquiry about membership, please contact the IAMnet Secretariat at


African Development Bank (AfDB)

Independent Recourse Mechanism (IRM)


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Accountability Mechanism (AM)


Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

Project-affected People’s Mechanism (PPM)


Bank aus Verantwortung (KFW)

KfW Development Bank

KfW Central Complaints Office

Black Sea Trade and Development (BSTD)

Complaints Mechanism


Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)

Projects Complaints Mechanism, the Office of Integrity Compliance and Accountability (CDB, ICA-PCM)


European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Independent Project Accountability Mechanism (IPAM)


European Investment Bank (EIB)

Complaints Mechanism (EIB-CM)

9FinDev Canada

Independent Accountability Mechanism (IAM)

10French Development Agency (AFD)Environmental and Social Complaints Mechanism

German Development Bank (DEG)

Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO)


Independent Complaint Mechanism (DEG)

Independent Complaint Mechanism (FMO)

Independent Complaint Mechanism (Proparco)


Green Climate Fund (GCF)

Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM)

13Inter-American Development Bank Group (IADB)Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism (MICI)

International Finance Corporation

and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (IFC/MIGA) 

Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO)
15Internationale Klimaschutzinitiative (IKI) Office of the independent complaint mechanism (IKI ICM)

Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)

Office of Examiner for Environmental Guidelines
17Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Examiner for the Guidelines


Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI)

NEXI Objection Procedures on Environmental Guidelines


Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)

Office of the Chief Compliance Officer

20U.S. International Development Financial Corporation (DFC)

Office of Accountability (OA)

21United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Social and Environmental Compliance Review and Stakeholder Response Mechanism


World Bank 

Inspection Panel (IPN)
23 World BankWorld Bank Accountability Mechanism


Last Updated: Feb 15, 2025

News & Events

IAMnet Annual Meetings 2024
Jul 09, 2024

The 21st edition of the IAMnet Annual Meeting will be co-hosted by the Asian Development Bank's Accountability Mechanism and the Independent Redress Mechanism of the Green Climate Fund. The meeting will be held at the Asian Development Bank Headquarters in Manila, Philippines. It will include a separate session for representatives from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). 

IAMnet Annual Meetings 2023
Oct 11, 2023

Representatives from 24 Independent Accountability Mechanisms convened at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development HQ in Canary Wharf, London from October 4-6 to exchange knowledge, good practices, and lessons from across the world. 

IAMnet group photo 2022
Oct 27, 2022

In total, 126 individuals from the IAMnet participated, with an additional 33 representatives joining for CSO day.

Publications & Reports

Good Policy Paper 2024

A consortium of civil society organizations has released an update to a survey of best practices from independent accountability mechanisms. The Good Policy Paper, first produced in 2021, examines the rules of procedure to handle complaints of 25 such mechanisms, identifying 69 current provisions to guide the development of new mechanisms and the revision of existing policies.


This publication commissioned by MICI is a practical tool to assist independent accountability mechanism (IAMs) address the risk of reprisals within the context of their complaint management process. Thsi product provides general guidance and an array of tools and resources for IAMs to learn about and use as relevant. 

The World Bank

For general inquiries

Contact IAMNet

Secretariat (currently hosted by the Asian Development Bank's Accountability Mechanism) at